Tuesday, 15 October 2013

System Administrator jobs at Supercomputer Education and Research Centre

Supercomputer Education and Research Centre (SERC) Bangalore invites applications for the follow posts.

Name of posts- System Administrator

Application Fee : Rs.150/- for GM,OBC and Rs.75/- for SC/ST ( No DD for PH candidates) DD should be drawn in favour of The Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012 payable at Bangalore

No. of Positions:  13

Educational Qualifications:Candidate should have passed BCA/B.Sc.(Computer Science, Information Science, Information Technology)

Experience:details of experience required)

Pay Scale:INR Stipend : Rs.7000/-P.M. The stipend will be enhanced to Rs.8000/-P.M.(fixed) after 6 months period, on satisfactory performance.

How To Apply:Applications to this job are to be filled online. Please follow the link given below to apply (or visit original job details page)

Download Official Notification:http://www.satp.serc.iisc.ernet.in/advertisementN.jsp