Tuesday, 8 July 2014

ACPC – JK Migrant and its Merit for BE/BTech and Pharmacy

ACPC – JK Migrant and its Merit for BE/BTech and Pharmacy

ACPC – JK Migrant and its Merit for BE/BTech and Pharmacy.Applications are invited from the wards of J&K migrants asper the provisions of the Government of Gujarat, Education Department Notifications for Engg. No. GH/SH/11/2013/PVS/102012/142/S dtd. 30/04/2013 and for Pharmacy No. GH/SH/19/2013/PVS/102013/280/S dtd. 14th May, 2013 for admission to first year Degree Engineering, Degree/ Diploma Pharmacy courses after 12th(HSC) Science Stream in Govt./Grant-in-aid/Self-financed institutes (two seats per institute). Applicationforms and other details are available on website : www.jacpcldce.ac.in Details about JK - See more at: http://www.ojasgujarat.net/#sthash.FQUzz0dg.dpuf